Children dropping out of school: A glaring problem in our education system
Have we ever pondered this question, why are so many children out on the streets, while they have to be in school? We see so many children selling pens and…
Remedies a woman can avail under The protection of women from the Domestic Violence Act
Domestic violence against women in our country is a widespread issue that affects people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Domestic violence is defined as the abuse of power by one individual…
Online Education: an INACCESSIBILITY to poor
Online learning platforms have seen a boom in their business during the pandemic season. Many parents decided to educate their children via Online education instead of sending them to school.…
Female infanticide and feticide: A malice fought for too long
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः । यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः ॥ This saying from Manusmriti means, The divine is extremely happy where women are respected; where they are…
Reslilience in children a strong quality
Resilience is the capacity to quickly recover from difficulties. Resilience is a much-needed character in this hard and competitive world. As adults with much experience in life, we can say…