Waymaker India

We believe every child deserves a future.

The Waymaker initiative: A registered charitable TRUST

Equipping children with education to face life

The Waymaker Initiative is a registered charitable organization, with its main key focus on the upliftment of children through education and life skills programs. Children are the future of a nation, and it is the need of the hour, to invest in their lives, especially those who hail from socially and economically vulnerable backgrounds. 

The Waymaker Initiative works with the sole goal of procuring an equal opportunity for all children, regardless of their upbringing and social conditioning. The NGO has implemented various programs from its inception. 

Facing the GIANTS

India is home to a billion people, and according to OXFAM, India has the largest population of illiterate adults in the world. 37% of the world’s illiterate population is from India. Education is still a  luxury to many in our country. The basic needs of life are still not met, and for being one of the largest democracies in the world, our people are unaware of their basic legal remedies and rights, enshrined in our Constitution. 

It is the need of the hour, to spread legal awareness, enrich children with education and build sustainability in marginalized communities. Know where we stand, and emphasize the need for change. 

20 M

Students dropped out of schools in India post the covid-19 pandemic lockdowns.

4 / hr

Every hour four children are physically abused in our country.


Child Labourers are working in India.


of schools are yet to implement Right to Education Act (RTE).

How are we making a Difference ?

Granting Student Scholarships

Under our Student Support Program, talented and aspiring students from underprivileged communities are selected and are supported with a full scholarship, wherein our NGO covers all their tuition and educational expenses.

Providing Educational Aids

The one-time or ongoing grants given to children from low-income or economically vulnerable families to cover specific needs of a child, such as money to pay school fees, transport, buy uniforms, books, etc.

Establishing Wisdom Centres

A Wisdom Centre is a  child-friendly space, equipped with computers and a library with reading corner at rural government schools.  Our staffs and volunteers conduct life skills, child safety and basic computer training sessions for students on a regular basis.

Keeping our Children Safe

We conduct workshops and seminars to instill the idea in  kids that “Our safety is in our own hands.” Children learn how to keep themselves safe, assist other children who are in distress and how to alert their parents or guardians in a dire situation.

Prioritizing Mental health

We believe in wholesome development, leading to good mental health of a child. We have curated an interactive and self-searching life skills program. Our students love these sessions as it helps them to overcome obstacles and develop resilience.

Spreading Legal Awareness

Knowing one’s own legal system and its components are condition precedent for a democratic nation to establish social equilibrium.  Our NGO aims at improving the general understanding of various legal aspects such as laws protecting women and children, legal recourse for crimes against women, etc.

Contribute Money

Our children can use your help, are you willing?

Invest in our children and light up their futures bright. 

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Join us, in helping and supporting our cause.  We appreciate your love and Willingness.