Waymaker India

Learning to say “I CAN”

“There is no greater disability in  the society, than the inability to see a person as more” 

Generally, our circumstances and the conditions in which we grow up, define how we approach our life, we either believe in ourselves and take charge or give it all up as fate. Many children, coming from difficult backgrounds are susceptible to making this decision at a very young age, as opportunities seldom knock. 

Praveen is one such child, who has embarked on the journey of growth and education, despite the shortcomings in his upbringing due to financial constraints and lack of resources. Our association with Praveen started with our NGO’s group learning sessions, during the pandemic wherein we were training kids from construction sites and slums, in their studies during the lockdown. 

Praveen showed great aptitude for learning and was a nonquitter. He pushed through the learning difficulties that he faced, be it learning the English alphabet to framing two-letter sentences, he had a positive approach towards the same.  In a span of one month, he managed to read an English children’s book before his entire class. 

Seeing his zeal and enthusiasm to study, our NGO decided to sponsor his education. Praveen’s father is a construction site laborer and his mother works as a house help. He has four siblings. Due to many children and a lack of financial stability to educate every child, Praveen’s education was being compromised. 

" I want to study and become a scientist, before i used to feel sad when i see children wearing their uniform and riding on a cycle to school. Today i ride along with them, thanks for making it happen"
Praveen kumar

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