Waymaker India

Wear a Smile – Cloth Donation

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X

One summer afternoon in Kerala, our volunteers visited a Tribal school in the interiors of a village called Vanmala. We had the opportunity to speak to the principal of this school  and were analyzing what would be the best manner of support we can offer them and the children of the school.  One evident observation  was made, with regards to the strength or the attendance of the children at school, we interacted with the  children, and found hardly 10 kids in the entire school. Curious to know why such a small turnout was there on a weekday, amongst  the active learning ages, we sought the principal´s input, which led us to our cause for support.

Children from diverse indigenous tribes in Kerala are educated in the government lower primary school in Vanmala. These kids come from extremely low socioeconomic backgrounds and don’t have access to adequate clothes so they can change every day to go to school. Their parents are not in a financial condition to buy them an ample number of clothes since most of their income is barely sufficient for their daily living. 

We found our purpose, and began working on the cause of procuring brand new clothes for these children. Mobilizing our funds received through the generous donations of our donors, we managed to procure new clothes for each child in the school. As our Trustees distributed the clothes, their joy knew no bounds, they were excited and immediately wore it on their clothes that they were wearing. We realized that it is not mere clothing, but a SMILE that they wore along with it, which made it all worth our efforts. 

“ Thank you for giving me extra pairs of clothes, now i will be more regular to school”   
Class- II Student

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