Food provision Kits distribution in under developed areas of Bengaluru

Our NGO, has been an active participant in relief works in various forms, be it providing food supply to the needy during the pandemic, legal support to women enduring domestic abuse, etc.
The most needed time for relief work was experienced during the pandemic, we categorized our relief works into two categories, firstly, supporting the migration workers, who were stuck in Bangalore with no work nor money and no way to head back home during the pandemic, and the second category of people were the localities, hailing from poor backgrounds and in need of financial strength and support.

our team getting the provision kits ready for delivery
While many migrant workers were stranded within the city of Bengaluru, there were much more people hailing from our city, who were in need of basic amenities such as medicines and provisions. The Waymaker Initiative took up this cause, and we have supplied 100 provision kits on a daily basis, to many families in our city.
Many elderly people from poor families, suffering from chronic health conditions were left with no help to procure their medicines, some of them gave us a list of medications needed along with the prescriptions, and we did the needful.
Pregnant women needing help to attend to doctors were assisted. The needs were unending, while the help needed was enormous. Our NGO has always been around people needing help and has ensured the best help that could be offered is provided.